How Hiring Indian Programmers Can Drive Software Innovation

In India More has been one of the most attractive IT outsourcing spots for the past 10 years. Many big tech companies such as Apple, IBM, Microsoft, and Google have opened their development centers in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Noida in top metro cities in India. Apart from Tech Giants, SMEs from the US and EU also hire software developers from over 2,500 IT outsourcing companies in India. What makes Indian IT outsourcing companies so attractive? The exceptional quality of information technology services, the diverse use of technologies and tools, the development of effective and robust solutions for various industries, and the good command of the English language are just some of the benefits that businesses can reap from Indian IT outsourcing companies. In this article, you’ll find out why you need to outsource your software development to India and how to hire professional software development teams at reasonable costs. Indian IT sector can boast of an extensive talent...